You have 2 hours to complete this stage of the project, after which we will debrief as a group.
Using your Workflows, construct a Workflow Chain using the appropriate Rule and Strategy for each transition in the Workflow Chain. Then confirm that the Workflow Chain works as expected. To do this:
Create and submit a new Experiment for this Workflow Chain.
Add one (1) new Seed Entity.
Create and complete a new Worksheet for each Workflow in the Workflow Chain.
Remember, only Seeds that sprouted should create a Plant while transitioning to Stress Exposure.
As a group, you will present your solution to the class. Presentations should include:
A high level overview of your Workflow Chain.
How you designed your data models.
How you designed your Protocols and the rational for which custom fields were included.
Live demonstration of the Workflow Chain.
Demonstrate your Protocol Actions and data links.