How-to: Pull Instruments, Items, Containers, or Entities into a Picklist
Issue: How can a list of all instruments, items, or entities be pulled into a picklist?
expression can be used to return a list of entity names for a particular type of entity (instruments, items, and containers are also considered entities)The
expression accepts three parameters:sample_type: which would be name of the entity type to return
This is required
An example would be
{{ list_entities('Generic sample') }}
to return all entities of the Generic Sample entity type in the system
filters: which would be additional filters to apply to the list
This may include tags, matching part of a name, specific owners, created before or after, etc.
By default, no filters are applied
An example would be
{{ list_entities('Instrument', filters={'instrument_type': 'Centrifuge'}) }}
to return all entities of the Instrument entity type with a custom field instrument_type value of Centrifuge in the system
disaplyField: which would be the information for the entity returned
This can be the name, description, barcode, uuid, or a custom field value of the entities returned
This will default to
An example would be
{{ list_entities('Instrument', filters={'instrument_type': 'Centrifuge'}, displayField='My Field')
to return the value in the custom field named My Field for all entities of the Instrument entity type with a custom field instrument_type value of Centrifuge in the system
The list entities expressions can be further modified or combined in the expression if needed
For example
{{ list_entities('Instrument', filters={'instrument_type': 'InstrumentA'}) + list_entities('Instrument', filters={'instrument_type': 'InstrumentB'}) }}
would return all entities of the Instrument entity type with a custom field instrument_type value of InstrumentA and InstrumentB in the systemFor more information about the
expression, including a full list of the available filters, see Section 5 of the L7|ESP Documentation<base url>/doc/expressions/expressions.html#lab7.sample.expression.list_entities
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Note on performance: If the expected number of entities being returned is high, this expression will take a long time to return and may affect system performance. To ensure that this expression returns in a reasonable amount of time, ensure that the proper filters have been applied to only return the set of entities of interest.