Our Scenario: Blood Banking
In a nutshell...
Blood Banks collect blood from donors, test-and-process the blood, then distribute these processed blood-products to hospitals. Imagine that you work in a laboratory responsible for testing donated blood. Donated blood undergoes many types of tests, but for now, we’ll focus on just two: blood groups (A/B/AB/O) and Rh factors (+/-). These two factors are usually reported together (e.g. O+ or AB-) for any given patient, and they determine what kind of donated blood a patient can accept.
What is blood made up of?
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This blood-typing process involves two steps...
Extract plasma from whole blood samples
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Determine the blood group and Rh factor with a Blood Analyzer instrument.
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Donation Process
Business processes are modeled as Workflow Chains in L7|ESP. This ordered collection of Workflows represents the donation process for our case study.