How-to: Submit Workflowable Containers and Items to a LIMs Experiment
How to add 96 well plate to a new experiment?
While working in a workflow chain, user updated two starting-point workflows to accept 96 well plates, but cannot add them when creating a new experiment, either with an individual workflow or an entire workflow chain
Only existing Containers can be submitted to an Experiment, either created through the Locations app or a pipeline integration
One option is to create a Smartsheet integration to ingest plates, and the samples in those plates, and then submitted those to an experiment chain
A second option would be to use a pipeline at the end of a workflow to create and fill plates based on the number of samples in the first workflow, and then utilize workflowable containers for the remaining workflows
Lastly, simply creating the Containers in the Locations app first, then submitting them to the experiment (as described in bullet point one (1) above) is an option - this depends on the scale and user experience expected