L7|HUB Permissions
Permissions in L7|ESP are assigned to roles in L7 IAM. All members of a given role share the same set of permissions, unless one (1) or more of these users is assigned to an additional role that is more permissive.

The table below describes the permissions needed to perform specific activities in L7|HUB:
Bundle install permissions apply to local and remote Bundles, but local instances do not have access to the review status of remote Bundles prior to L7|ESP v3.4.
Therefore, the Bundle Review → Install non approved permission only applies to local Bundles.
This permission is only applicable if allow_install_non_approved_bundle
is set to true in the hub configuration.
Activity | Permission(s) Required |
Create Collection | L7|HUB → Collection → Create |
Archive (delete) Collection | L7|HUB → Collection → Delete |
Add content to Collection | L7|HUB → Collection → Update L7|HUB → Supply → Create |
Remove content from Collection | L7|HUB → Collection → Update L7|HUB → Supply → Delete |
Pin (version) Collection | L7|HUB→ Collection → Create L7|HUB → Collection Definition → Create |
Create Bundle from Collection | L7|HUB → Bundle → Create L7|HUB → Collection → Create |
Create Bundle (download as .zip file) | L7|HUB → Bundle → Create |
Create Bundle (save to local Hub) | L7|HUB → Bundle → Create |
Create Bundle (save to connected remote Hub) | L7|HUB → Bundle → Create L7|HUB → Bundle → Import * * In the remote instance for the role the user is assigned to that generated the API key for the connection. |
Create Bundle Review | L7|HUB → Bundle Review → Create |
Update Bundle Review | L7|HUB → Bundle Review → Update |
Delete Bundle Review | L7|HUB→ Bundle Review → Delete |
Retract approved Bundle | L7|HUB→ Bundle Review → Retract |
Install approved Bundle or Bundle without a Review Plan | L7|HUB → Bundle Install → Create |
Install unapproved Bundle (in review, rejected, retracted) | L7|HUB → Bundle Install → Create L7|HUB → Bundle Review → Install non approved |
Install & override approved Bundle or Bundle without a Review Plan | L7|HUB → Bundle Install → Create L7|HUB → Bundle → Update |
Install & override unapproved Bundle (in review, rejected, retracted) | L7|HUB → Bundle Install → Create L7|HUB → Bundle → Update L7|HUB → Bundle Review → Install non approved |