Troubleshooting: Importing Workflow Causes 500 Error When Adding New Worksheet in LIMS
First, a user first exports an existing workflow, then adds a new sample protocol to the workflow, and lastly imports the workflow without error.
The user receives a error in the UI when attempting to add a new worksheet to the new protocol.
User observed a 500 error when using Developer Tools console.
Root cause was due to not setting the correct sample_group_indices (Sample Set) for the new sample protocol.
After importing new sample protocols to existing workflows users should verify that the Sample Set (sample_group_indices) are correct, this is the number shown in the user interface when viewing protocols from the Workflow builder.
This may also occur when manually editing a Protocol from within the Workflows builder.
Users can edit the "Sample Set" dropdown to ensure it is set to the expected value and saved correctly, otherwise if the dropdown value has changed or is set incorrectly it may not function correctly.