How-to: Add an Experiment Name to a Worksheet
How can a user configure ESP to include the experiment name/what expression would be need to be added in a worksheet to include the name?
Users can access the ESP Documentation from within the user interface (UI) by clicking their user name in the top right corner of the ESP UI and selecting Documentation
Included in Section 5. Using Expressions in L7|ESP, see Functions section - this lists available functions that can be used as expressions in ESP
For this specific request, the chain_info
function can be used to obtain the Experiment name and add to a worksheet column
chain_info(hops: Union[str, int, list[int]] = ‘anyhop')→ dict
Note: Each function provides examples and in this case, to retrieve the Experiment Name from node 0
(Default Start Node) in the Workflow Chain the following was used:
{{ chain_info()[0].source_experiment_name }}
This expression was used as the Default Value
in a Free Form text entry
Protocol field (see screenshot below)