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L7|ESP Glossary

AG Grid

A fully-featured and highly customizable JavaScript data grid with no third-party dependencies.


API stands for Application Programming Interface. An API is a method for one computer program to communicate with another computer program.


A customizable application that can be created using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. They are displayed in the Applets App and can be configured to appear in the app tray and on the home page.


Manufacturing run to produce a Product.


The Bill of Materials (BOM) tab displays information about Kits associated with the Batch (Available Items) and the Items consumed during Batch production (Item Usage).


A group of related content items and extensions packaged together into a single file.


A named group of content items that can later be maintained and exported as a Bundle (like a draft or in- progress Bundle).


Arbitrary key-value definitions that generally have no standard semantic meaning to L7|ESP Core software.


Functional connections between L7|ESP and third-party instruments or software. This could be a Python script, or collection of scripts, used for generating sample manifests and parsing outputs from an instrument. For example, an Illumina Connector would generate sample sheets for Illumina sequencers. These scripts are used in Pipelines


Any physical location. Containers are instances, or occurrences, of Container Types; they can contain Entities, Items, and other Containers.

Container Type

Defines the attributes of a Container, including its content, dimensions, and custom fields.


Any physical location. Containers are instances, or occurrences, of Container Types; they can contain Entities, Items, and other Containers.

Custom Field

Entity data defined at the level of the Entity Type.

Dashboard Report

A Dashboard Report is a read-only Report that provides high-level operational metrics to summarize and display what is happening in the labs. L7|ESP comes with several stock Dashboard Reports located in the Dashboard app, but custom Reports can be created as well using HTML, Javascript, and CSS.

Dashboard Widget

Multiple types of charts that can be used to provide specific metrics and are based on fixed parameters that are used to query the database.

Data Link

Pull external and upstream data into a Protocol from the same Workflow or an upstream Workflow in the Workflow Chain.


The use of digital technologies and digitized data to impact how work gets done and transform how departments within a company interact – and how the company interacts with its value chain partners.


The conversion of analog information to digital (paper to electronic) and automation of existing manual and paper-based processes.

Dynamic Execution Plan (DEP)

DEPs are process plans that provide alternative parameters for procedural Steps belonging to a specific Recipe (Workflow Chain). DEPs consist of Sample and Specification Plans.


The Electronic Batch Record (EBR) for the Recipe, based on the Sample Plan and Specification Plan selected. Operators record data in this tab during production.


The smallest data component, it represents any resource that is submitted to, or a component of, a business process (i.e., patient or blood sample).

Entity Class

A categorical way of grouping different Entity Types. Each Entity Class will receive its own app in L7|ESP, useful for managing User access.

Entity Type

Defines the attributes of an Entity, including its custom fields and ID Sequence(s).

ESP Client

A command line utility for interacting with L7|ESP and a full Python API (similar to an Object Relational Mapper) for interacting with L7|ESP data models


Collection of Entities submitted to a Workflow or Workflow Chain.


An interactive, fully customizable view of a Protocol in a LIMS Worksheet.

Flexview widget

Composable, pre-configured elements that make up a Flexview.

Generic renderer

Flexview widget that executes arbitrary HTML and JavaScript.

Input Pipeline Connectors

These scripts are used for parsing, or inputting data into L7|ESP. Input Connector code will take in the data from certain lab instruments and do something with that data, such as generate a Report, capture data, or perform statistical analysis


In object-oriented programming, an instance is a specific realization of any object.


User-defined back-end (server side) Python function that can be called from a custom API endpoint.


User-defined JavaScript functions available to Protocol Event Handlers (OnRender and OnChange), Flexview, Applets, and Reports.


A resource that is consumed as part of a business process. Items are instances, or occurrences, of Item Types.

Item Type

Defines the attributes of an Item, including its type (consumable or reagent), units, custom fields, Vendors, and ID Sequences.


JSON stands for Javascript Object Notation. It is a text-based representation of object structures. For instance, a JSON representation of an L7|ESP Entity might be: { "name": "ESP000001", "uuid": "9caac2ec-e508-42ac-baad-ee9f987405fe", "entity_type_name": "Patient", "fields": { "Blood Type": "AB", "Blood Type Rh": "+" } }

Key-value Pair

A key-value pair consists of two related data elements: A key, which is a constant that defines the data set (i.e., animal, gender), and a value, which is either the data that is identified or a pointer to the location of that data (i.e., dog, male). Example of key-value pairs: animal: dog gender: male myFile: /path/to/myFile

L7|ESP Expression Language

An embedded programming language, based on Python, that offers a set of pre-defined functions for interacting with L7|ESP.Expressions follow the form {{ <Expression> }}


A repository of robust, standardized, and scalable content designed to accelerate implementation times while improving quality.

L7|HUB App

Provides an interface for packaging, viewing, and transferring any content between two or more ESP instances.


Laboratory Information Management System, used to process samples and associated data.

L7 MES App

Manufacturing Execution System, allows users to capture, review, and report on data about the manufacturing process, including process parameters, bill of materials, sample plans, and adherence to specification limits, in a manner compliant with the requirements laid out by regulatory agencies.

Location App

An instance of L7|ESP that can exchange content with other L7|ESP instances via the L7|Hub App.


Visual representation of a Workflow in a Workflow Chain.

Numeric Field

Refers to a custom field that has Type set to Numbers only allowed.


Refers to a custom field that has Type set to Numbers only allowed.


User-defined JavaScript function that is triggered when a given value in a L7 LIMS Worksheet changes.


User-defined JavaScript function that is triggered when a Protocol is rendered in a L7 LIMS Worksheet.

Outline pipeline connector

These scripts create readable files to be consumed by instruments. Because these files are leaving L7|ESP, they are considered “output”. A common use of output Pipeline Connectors is to generate runsheets based on data stored within L7|ESP. These runsheets can then be automatically sent to the instrument, which saves time and ensures accurate data entry.


Collection of Tasks (shell scripts) run on compute resources.

Pipeline protocol

Launches a Pipeline.

Pipeline report

A Pipeline Report is a special file generated after a Pipeline was run. Pipeline Reports are constructed in the Analysis app and while the Reports themselves are in HTML, they can embed other objects, such as files, images, and tables. Pipeline Reports are visible in the Analysis app, and the LIMS Worksheet they were executed in.


A free and open-source graphing library for Python.


Collection of Experiments.


Sequence of steps performed on an Entity. Protocols define the data to collect while performing the Experiment.There are three types of Protocols in L7|ESP: Standard, Sample, Pipeline

Protocol Action

Behavior that is triggered when a Protocol is saved and at other key points in the life cycle of a Worksheet.

Protocol Library

List of all Protocols registered in the system.

Protocol Step (MES)

Defines the data to collect while processing the Batch.


A high-level, interpreted, general purpose programming language with a design focus on readable and maintainable code.

Quality Review

A tab in MES used to review and correct data in the Batch Record.


Manufacturing process to produce a Product.


Offer a custom display that can include various objects (such as: files, images, or tables), are associated with the single execution of a Pipeline and appear in the L7 Analysis App and L7 LIMS


A source code repository is a central file storage location that is utilized by a version control system to store multiple versions of files. The version control system can then control the access, creation, maintenance, modification, and use of the source code


An application programming interface (API) that adheres to the constraints of REST architectural style and allows for interaction with representational state transferable (RESTful) web services. A client and a server communicate through HTTP requests to perform standard database functions such as creating, reading, updating, and deleting records (also known as CRUD) within a resource.


A file that provides a set of instructions for an instrument

Sample Plan

The Sample Plan tab displays information about the Sample IDs reserved and later assigned to Samples collected during Batch production. It also allows Users with the appropriate permissions to print and reconcile unused Sample labels.

Sample Point Field

A type of custom field used to create new Samples during production. It creates parent-child relationships between the Batch Entity Type and the Samples being collected, but data cannot be collected against these new Samples in the Batch Record.

Sample Protocol

General: Creates child Entities of the same or different Entity Type.

MES: Creates a child Entity from the Batch (parent).

Sample Set

A collection of Entities processed in a Protocol.


A piece of computer hardware or software (computer program) that provides functionality for other programs or devices, called "clients".

Signature Flow

Structured signature queues configured in L7|Master.

Sign Off

A tab in L7 MES used to facilitate the final review of a Batch.


Specifications are important metrics associated with a manufacturing process (Recipe). In L7|ESP, a Specification is a numeric field with:Spec Type Min and/or max value

Specification Plan ()

A specific type of plan that enables you to modify the Specifications in a Recipe without changing the underlying process Steps.

Specification Plan

A specific type of plan that enables you to modify the Specifications in a Recipe without changing the underlying process Steps.

Spec Type

“Spec Type” is a picklist parameter for numeric fields in the Protocol builder. The list of available Spec Types is configured in the Configuration App.

Standard Protocol

General : Associates experimental (process) data with an Entity.

L7 MES: Associates process data with the Batch.

Swim Lane

Provide a way to visually organize nodes into discrete categories.


Templatized shell scripts that run on available compute resources (e.g., clusters, clouds, or directly in the server hosting L7|ESP). Because Tasks can call any shell command, they can be used for parsing instrument output files, conducting automated analyses, generating instrument runsheets, interacting with L7|ESP itself or any third-party system. The most common Tasks execute a Python script.

Transition Rule

A logic statement that determines when Entities will transition to the next Workflow in a Workflow Chain

Transition Strategy

A logic statement that states which Entities will transition to the next Workflow in a Workflow Chain.

Var Group

General: Organize custom fields into tabs on the Entity details page.

L7 MES (Sub-step): Organize custom fields into Sub-Steps in the EBR tab


Person or place an Item is purchased.


An open-source front end JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications


Person or place an Item is purchased.

Workflow Chain

Ordered collection of Workflows representing a business process.

Workflow Library

List of all Workflows registered in the system.


Used to organize Users and restrict access to content.


Spreadsheet-style data entry for Entities submitted to an Experiment.


YAML stands for “YAML Ain’t a Markup Language”. It is a text-based representation of object structures as a more human-readable alternative to JSON and other formats. For instance, the same L7|ESP Entity represented in YAML would be: name: ESP000001 uuid: 9caac2ec-e508-42ac-baad-ee9f987405fe entity_type_name: Patient fields: Blood Type: AB Blood Type Rh: +

Var names

Var names are listed in the table below.

Table 18. Var names

Var name



Entity name.


Entity description.


(API) URL for the Entity.


Meta dict for the Entity.


Entity UUID.


Entity Class.


True if the Entity is archived, otherwise false.


Created timestamp.


Last modified timestamp.


Name of the current Entity owner (normally the Entity creator).


UUID of the Entity's Entity Type.


Name of the Entity's Entity Type.


Whether this Entity has ever been submitted to a Workflow.


Entity's barcode value.