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Process Models (3.2)



You have 2.5 hours to complete this stage of the project, after which we will debrief as a group.

Step 2: Protocol and Workflow Design and Construction

Using the process flow diagram and the requirements listed below:

  1. Decide how many Protocols need to be created for each Workflow.

  2. Decide what kind of data to record in each Protocol.

  3. Restrict the Workflows to only accept relevant Entity Types.


Get your Protocol designs approved by a course Instructor before building them in L7|ESP.


Protocol Requirements:

  1. When planting Seeds, the User should record the Date and reference the Plant Species (read-only).

  2. When planting Seeds, the User should be able to select one of the following Greenhouses the Experiment is being conducted in:

    1. East

    2. West

    3. Center

  3. When planting Seeds, record the location within the Planting Tray that each Seed is planted in.

  4. Next Step is a required field that displays a list of routing options (remember - there is an L7|ESP Expression that populates these options).

  5. Only Seeds that sprouted should create a Plant while transitioning to the next Workflow (remember - there are two ways to create new Entities, either in Sample Protocols or during Workflow transitions).

  6. When setting up stress treatments, the User should reference the Plant Species (read-only).

  7. When setting up stress treatments, the User should be able to select one of the following treatments:

    1. Water

    2. Light

    3. Nutrients

    4. Control

  8. Assume that the selected stress treatment is the same for all Entities in the Experiment (remember - Protocols can have individual and shared fields).

  9. Assume that the Treatment Start Date is the same for all Entities in the Experiment.

  10. When setting up stress treatments, the User should be able select one of the following Water treatments (the baseline treatment is Weekly):

    1. Daily

    2. Every Other Day

    3. Weekly

    4. Every 10 Days

  11. When setting up stress treatments, the User should be able select one of the following Light treatments (the baseline treatment is 12hrs):

    1. 4hrs

    2. 8hrs

    3. 12hrs

    4. 16hrs

    5. 20hrs

  12. When setting up stress treatments, the user should be able select one of the following Nutrient treatments (the baseline treatment is Medium):

    1. None

    2. Low

    3. Medium

    4. High

  13. The User should record the amount of Light bulbs and Fertilizer used.

    1. Create these two Items in the Inventory app before using them in Experiments.

  14. When recording Plant measurements for the first and second time intervals, the User should record the following information (remember - Protocols can be easily cloned using the Save As option):

    1. Date

    2. Plant Height

    3. Number of Leaves

    4. Number of Flowers

  15. Next Step is a required field that displays a list of routing options (remember - there is an L7|ESP Expression that populates these options).

  16. When pollinating Plants, the User should record which Stock Pollen is being used (Stock Pollen - North Carolina, Stock Pollen - Florida, or Stock Pollen - Georgia).

  17. When pollinating Plants, the User should record the Number of Flowers Pollinated and the Date.

  18. When recording Plant measurements for the third time interval, the User should record the following information:

    1. Date

    2. Plant Height

    3. Number of Leaves

    4. Number of Pods

  19. When recording Plant measurements for the fourth time interval, the User should record the following information (remember - Protocols can be easily cloned using the Save As option):

    1. Date

    2. Plant Height

    3. Number of Leaves

    4. Number of Pods

    5. Number of Seeds (required)

  20. Harvested Seeds are registered and stored in the Seed Chamber (remember - there are two ways to create new Entities, either in Sample Protocols or during Workflow transitions).


Step 3: Protocol Extensions

Enhance your Protocols by adding the following extensions:

Protocol Actions

  1. After setting up the stress treatments, sync the Plant Species to the current Entity.

  2. After pollination, sync the Number of Flowers Pollinated to the current Entity.

  3. After the final Plant measurement, sync the Number of Pods and Seeds to the current Entity.