Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Report-related models.
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# imports
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import json

from .. import base
from .__base__ import BaseModel, compile_report

# models
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[docs]class Report(BaseModel): """ Object for interacting with Reports from the ESP database. See the `Usage <./usage.html>`_ and `Examples <./examples.html>`_ pages of the documentation for more context and comprehensive examples of how to create and use this type of objects. Configuration: Create report with embedded html: .. code-block:: yaml name: My Report desc: An example html report. tags: [html, demo] contents: <h1>My Report</h1> Create report with local html file: .. code-block:: yaml name: My Report desc: An example html report. tags: [html, demo] contents: $LAB7DATA/contents/reports/my-report.html Create applet from local html file: .. code-block:: yaml name: My Report desc: An example html applet. tags: ['esp:applet'] contents: $LAB7DATA/contents/reports/my-report.html Configuration Notes: * To promote an ESP report to an ESP applet, include ``esp:applet`` in the set of report tags. * The `contents` parameter can either take a local file or raw html contents to use as the report data. If no file is found from the string, the data are assumed to be raw html data to include as contents. Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> from esp.models import Report >>> report = Report('My Report') >>>, report.created_at ('My Report', '2019-06-21T16:04:01.199076Z') >>> # show relationships >>> report.contents '<h1>My Report</h1>' Arguments: ident (str): Name or uuid for object. """ __api__ = "reports" __api_cls__ = "Report" __mutable__ = BaseModel.__mutable__ + ["parent", "elements", "report_groups", "report_type"] __exportable__ = BaseModel.__base_exportable__ + ["report_groups", "report_type", "contents"]
[docs] @classmethod def parse_import(cls, config, overwrite=False, allow_snapshot_uuid_remap=False): """ Create new object in ESP database using config file or other data. Args: config (str, dict, list): Config file or information to use in creating new object. overwrite (bool): Whether or not to delete current entry in the ESP database. """ # read report contents compiled = config.pop("compiled", False) if config.get("elements"): elements = [config["elements"]] elif config.get("contents") is not None: data = compile_report(config["contents"], compiled) elements = [[{"type": "html", "contents": data}]] else: raise AssertionError("Error: html property not specified in report config!") # normalize group spec group = config.get("report_groups", config.get("groups", config.get("group", []))) if not isinstance(group, (list, tuple)): group = [group] # create initial project return { "desc": config.get("desc"), "name": config["name"], "tags": config.get("tags", []), "report_groups": group, "parent": None, "elements": elements, "report_type": config.get("report_type", "report"), }
@property def contents(self): """ API niceness for editing internal contents, if simple html report. """ # TODO: need assumption guards here. return self.elements[0][0]["contents"] @contents.setter def contents(self, value): """ API niceness for editing internal contents, if simple html report. """ # TODO: need assumption guards here. self.elements[0][0]["contents"] = value return
[docs] @classmethod def all(cls, **kwargs): result = base.SESSION.get("/api/reports", params={"report_type": "", "exclude_pipeline": True}) return [cls.from_data(data) for data in result.json()]
class Applet(Report): @classmethod def parse_import(cls, config, overwrite=False, allow_snapshot_uuid_remap=False): ret = Report.parse_import(config, overwrite=overwrite, allow_snapshot_uuid_remap=allow_snapshot_uuid_remap) tags = ret.setdefault("tags", []) ret["report_type"] = "applet" return ret @classmethod def all(cls, **kwargs): result = base.SESSION.get("/api/reports", params={"report_type": "applet"}) return [cls.from_data(data) for data in result.json()] class Query(BaseModel): """ Object for interacting with custom queries from the ESP database. Represents the result of invoking the generic query handler API endpoint. Useful for high-performance data fetches, bulk update operations, etc.. On successful query, the query result structure properties are available as object properties, including the name of the query as defined in the query config, the execution time, description, and parameters, and the result data (as a json object or list of json objects, depending on the shape of the query). Example: >>> from esp.models import Sample >>> samps = Sample.create(count=4) >>> qr = QueryResults('sample_ancestors', uuids=[x.uuid for x in samps], generation=0) >>> len(qr.results) 4 Args: name (str): Name of query to use. **kwargs (dict): Parameters for query. """ def __init__(self, name, http_method="GET", **kwargs): http_method = str(http_method).upper() if http_method not in ["GET", "POST"]: raise ValueError("http_method must be one of GET or POST but was {}".format(http_method)) self.__dict__["query_params"] = kwargs self.__dict__["http_method"] = http_method super(Query, self).__init__(name, **kwargs) return def _data_by_name(self): """ Overwrite _data_by_name function to issue and return query. """ url = "/api/v2/queries/{}".format(self.ident) if self.http_method == "GET": if self.query_params: url += "?" + "&".join( "{}={}".format(k, v if isinstance(v, str) else json.dumps(v)) for k, v in self.query_params.items() ) result = base.SESSION.get(url).json() else: result =, json=self.query_params or {}).json() if "error" in result: raise AssertionError(result["error"]) return result @classmethod def all(cls): """ Override create method for instrument model. """ raise NotImplementedError("Querying all() query models not supported!.") @classmethod def create(cls, config, overwrite=False): """ Override create method for instrument model. """ raise NotImplementedError("Queries must be defined via yaml definition in deployment.")