Source code for esp.models.admin

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Sample-related models.
# ------------------------------------------------

# imports
# -------
import logging

import six
from gems import cached, composite

from .. import base
from .__base__ import BaseModel
from .__base__ import yaml_str, is_uuid, create_and_return, load_config, raw

# models
# ------
[docs]class User(BaseModel): """ Object for interacting with users from the ESP database. See the `Usage <./usage.html>`_ and `Examples <./examples.html>`_ pages of the documentation for more context and comprehensive examples of how to create and use this type of objects. Configuration: Create user: .. code-block:: yaml name: New User email: user@localhost password: password Create user with roles: .. code-block:: yaml name: New Role User email: user-role@localhost password: password roles: - Lab Manager - Admin Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> from esp.models import User >>> user = User('New User') >>>, user.created_at ('User', '2019-06-21T16:04:01.199076Z') >>> # show relationships >>> user.roles [<Role(name=Lab Manager)>, <Role(name=Admin)>] >>> user.workgroups [<Workgroup(name=Lab A)>] >>> # log in as specific user >>> User('New User').login(password='password') >>> # get current user >>> user = User.current() Arguments: ident (str): Name or uuid for object. """ __api__ = "users" __api_cls__ = "User" __defaults__ = { "password": "password", "roles": [], # NOTE: THIS METADATA IS REQUIRED BY THE REQUEST "preferences": {}, "can_create": [], "labs": [], "last_login_time": None, } __mutable__ = BaseModel.__mutable__ + [ "username", "email", "password", "roles", ] __push_format__ = { "roles": lambda x: [{"uuid": r.uuid} for r in x.roles], "labs": lambda x: [{"uuid": w.uuid} for w in x.workgroups], } __exportable__ = BaseModel.__base_exportable__ + [ "username", "email", "roles", "workgroups", ] __export_format__ = { "roles": lambda x: [ for i in x.roles], "workgroups": lambda x: [ for i in x.workgroups], }
[docs] @classmethod def parse_import(cls, config, overwrite=False, allow_snapshot_uuid_remap=False): """ Create new User in ESP database using config file or other data. Args: config (str, dict, list): Config file or information to use in creating new object. overwrite (bool): Whether or not to delete current entry in the ESP database. """ roles = create_and_return(Role, config["roles"], overwrite=overwrite) config["roles"] = [ { "uuid": role.uuid, "name":, "desc": role.desc, } for role in roles ] labs = create_and_return(Workgroup, config["labs"], overwrite=overwrite) config["labs"] = [ { "uuid": lab.uuid, "name":, "desc": lab.desc, } for lab in labs ] return config
[docs] def drop(self, deep=False): """ Overwrite drop method for current user so emails are changed on drop (allowing User re-creation to happen). NOTE: BACKEND ARCHIVES MODEL AND MAKES IT INACCESSIBLE VIA CLIENT THIS FUNCTIONALITY SHOULD ONLY BE USED DURING TESTING. """ if != "system admin": from uuid import uuid4 = str(uuid4().hex) + "-archived" self.username = = self.uuid + "@localhost" self.push() return super(User, self).drop() return
[docs] def login(self, password=None): """ Login as specific user. """"Logging in as User: {}".format( if password is None: password = input("Password: ") base.options(, port=base.SESSION.port, cookies=base.SESSION.cookies, cache=base.SESSION.cache, username=self.username, password=password, ) return
[docs] @classmethod def current(self): """ Return user from current session. """ return base.SESSION.user
@cached def roles(self): """ Return roles associated with user. """ return [Role(x["uuid"]) for x in["roles"]] @cached def workgroups(self): """ Return roles associated with user. """ # NOTE: BACKEND USES LABS INSTEAD OF WORKGROUPS return [Workgroup(x["uuid"]) for x in["labs"]]
[docs]class Role(BaseModel): """ Object for interacting with users from the ESP database. See the `Usage <./usage.html>`_ and `Examples <./examples.html>`_ pages of the documentation for more context and comprehensive examples of how to create and use this type of objects. Configuration: Create role: .. code-block:: yaml name: my-role desc: My Role permissions: Project: [create, update] Sample: [create, read, update, delete] Create role with default users: .. code-block:: yaml name: my-role desc: My Role members: - User 1 - User 2 applications: - admin - lims Create role with specific app permissions: .. code-block:: yaml name: my-role desc: My Role applications: - admin - lims Configuration Notes: * Default role permissions are access to all actions for each type of model. Permissions need to be overridden to restrict access. Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> from esp.models import Role >>> role = Role('my-role') >>>, role.created_at ('my-role, '2019-06-21T16:04:01.199076Z') >>> # show relationships >>> role.users [<User(name=User 1)>, <User(name=User 2)>] Arguments: ident (str): Name or uuid for object. """ __api__ = "roles" __api_cls__ = "Role" __defaults__ = { "permissions": {}, "applications": [], "default_application": None, "updated_at": None, "deleted": False, "tags": [], } __mutable__ = BaseModel.__mutable__ + ["permissions", "members", "applications", "default_application", "tags"] __push_format__ = {"members": lambda x: [{"desc": None, "name":, "uuid": u.uuid} for u in x.users]} __exportable__ = BaseModel.__base_exportable__ + ["members", "permissions", "applications", "default_application"] __export_format__ = { "members": lambda x: [ for i in x.users], }
[docs] @classmethod def parse_import(cls, config, overwrite=False, allow_snapshot_uuid_remap=False): """ Create new Role in ESP database using config file or other data. Args: config (str, dict, list): Config file or information to use in creating new object. overwrite (bool): Whether or not to delete current entry in the ESP database. """ for idx, member in enumerate(config.get("members", [])): user = User(member) if not user.exists(): raise AssertionError('Error: specified user "{}" does not exist!'.format(member)) config["members"][idx] = {"desc": None, "name":, "uuid": user.uuid} return config
[docs] def drop(self, deep=False): """ Overwrite drop method for current user so emails are changed on drop (allowing User re-creation to happen). NOTE: BACKEND ARCHIVES MODEL AND MAKES IT INACCESSIBLE VIA CLIENT THIS FUNCTIONALITY SHOULD ONLY BE USED DURING TESTING. """ if != "admin": from uuid import uuid4 = str(uuid4().hex) + "-archived" self.users = [] self.push() return super(Role, self).drop() return
def open(self): for key in[key] = ["create", "delete", "import", "update", "execute"] = [ "admin", "analysis", "applets", "builders", "configuration", "dashboard", "data", "entities", "iam", "ingest", "inventory", "lims", "location", "projects", "samples", "search", ] self.push() return @cached def users(self): """ Return users associated with roles. """ return [User.from_data(x) for x in["members"]]
[docs]class Workgroup(BaseModel): """ Object for interacting with workgroups from the ESP database. See the `Usage <./usage.html>`_ and `Examples <./examples.html>`_ pages of the documentation for more context and comprehensive examples of how to create and use this type of objects. Configuration: Create workgroup: .. code-block:: yaml name: Lab A desc: Workgroup for all users in Lab A Create workgroup with default users: .. code-block:: yaml name: Lab A desc: Workgroup for all users in Lab A members: - User 1 - User 2 Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> from esp.models import Workgroup >>> group = Workgroup('Lab A') >>>, group.created_at ('Lab A, '2019-06-21T16:04:01.199076Z') >>> # show relationships >>> group.users [<User(name=User 1)>, <User(name=User 2)>] Arguments: ident (str): Name or uuid for object. """ __api__ = "labs" __api_cls__ = "Lab" __defaults__ = {"members": [], "updated_at": None, "deleted": False} __mutable__ = BaseModel.__mutable__ + [ "members", ] __push_format__ = {"members": lambda x: [{"desc": None, "name":, "uuid": u.uuid} for u in x.users]} __exportable__ = BaseModel.__base_exportable__ + [ "members", ] __export_format__ = {"members": lambda x: [ for i in x.users]}
[docs] @classmethod def parse_import(cls, config, overwrite=False, allow_snapshot_uuid_remap=False): """ Create new Workgroup in ESP database using config file or other data. Args: config (str, dict, list): Config file or information to use in creating new object. overwrite (bool): Whether or not to delete current entry in the ESP database. """ for idx, member in enumerate(config["members"]): user = User(member) if not user.exists(): raise AssertionError('Error: specified user "{}" does not exist!'.format(member)) config["members"][idx] = {"desc": None, "name":, "uuid": user.uuid} return config
[docs] def drop(self, deep=False): """ Overwrite drop method for current user so emails are changed on drop (allowing User re-creation to happen). NOTE: BACKEND ARCHIVES MODEL AND MAKES IT INACCESSIBLE VIA CLIENT THIS FUNCTIONALITY SHOULD ONLY BE USED DURING TESTING. """ from uuid import uuid4 = str(uuid4().hex) + "-archived" self.desc = "" self.users = [] self.push() return super(Workgroup, self).drop()
@cached def users(self): """ Return users associated with roles. """ return [User.from_data(x) for x in["members"]]
[docs] @classmethod def associate_resources(cls, workgroups, resources): """Set the workgroup(s) to the set of workgroups for the resources.""" # TODO: CHANGE THIS TO OBJ.ASSOCIATE(RESOURCES) group_uuids = [] resource_uuids = [] def resolve_uuid(value, type_=None): if isinstance(value, six.string_types): if is_uuid(value): return value elif type_ is None: raise ValueError("Do not know how to handle `{}`".format(value)) else: return type_(value).uuid elif hasattr(value, "uuid"): return value.uuid else: raise ValueError("Do not know how to handle `{}`".format(value)) for workgroup in workgroups: group_uuids.append(resolve_uuid(workgroup, Workgroup)) for resource in resources: resource_uuids.append(resolve_uuid(resource)) "/api/{}/associateresources".format(cls.__api__), json={ "workgroups": group_uuids, "resources": resource_uuids, }, )
[docs]class ParamGroup(BaseModel): """ Object for interacting with ParamGroups from the ESP database. See the `Usage <./usage.html>`_ and `Examples <./examples.html>`_ pages of the documentation for more context and comprehensive examples of how to create and use this type of objects. Configuration: Create param group: .. code-block:: yaml illumina: miseq-1: /path/to/miseq-1 miseq-2: /path/to/miseq-2 Create multiple param groups: .. code-block:: yaml illumina: miseq-1: /path/to/miseq-1 miseq-2: /path/to/miseq-2 integrations: clarity: http://clarity-url:1000 internal: http://internal-server Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> from esp.models import ParamGroup >>> pg = ParamGroup('apps') >>>, group.created_at ('apps, '2019-06-21T16:04:01.199076Z') >>> # show params >>> pg.params.client '/path/to/client/bin/esp' Arguments: ident (str): Name or uuid for object. """ __api__ = "param_groups" __api_cls__ = "ParamGroup" __defaults__ = {"desc": "", "params": {}} __mutable__ = BaseModel.__mutable__ + ["params"] @property def __exportable__(self): ret = list(BaseModel.__base_exportable__) ret.extend([yaml_str(x) for x in self.params.keys()]) return ret @property def __export_format__(self): formatters = {} def formatter(name): def _(self): return yaml_str(self.params[name]) return _ for prop in self.__exportable__: if prop in BaseModel.__mutable__: continue formatters[prop] = formatter(prop) return formatters
[docs] @classmethod def parse_import(cls, config, overwrite=False, allow_snapshot_uuid_remap=False): """ Create new Workgroup in ESP database using config file or other data. Args: config (str, dict, list): Config file or information to use in creating new object. overwrite (bool): Whether or not to delete current entry in the ESP database. """ # we have to suss out the configuration keys from other things, # but we allow for the user to specify the configuration as: # apps: # params: # key: value # key: value for key in list(config.keys()): if key not in cls.__mutable__: config["params"][key] = config.pop(key) return config
[docs] def drop(self, deep=False): """ Overwrite drop method so 'apps' param group can't be deleted. """ if != "apps": return super(ParamGroup, self).drop() return
[docs]class Config(BaseModel): """ Object for interacting with instance configuration within ESP. This model allows developers to directly interact with the `/api/config` endpoint in ESP. See the `Usage <./usage.html>`_ and `Examples <./examples.html>`_ pages of the documentation for more context and comprehensive examples of how to create and use this type of objects. That is, this configuraiton is always updaitng a DB row, never truly creating it, but uses the same interface as all other models for consistency. This model is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use Configuration instead. """ __api__ = "config" __url__ = "/api/config" __extend_aliases__ = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.config = self._fetch_config() super(Config, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __setattr__(self, name, value): # completely override __setattr__ from super b/c we # need attributes to push into _data. if name in self.__prime_attributes__ + ["config"]: self.__dict__[name] = value elif name in self.__class__.__dict__: if isinstance(self.__class__.__dict__[name], property): self.__class__.__dict__[name].fset(self, value) else: self.__dict__[name] = value else: self._data[name] = value def _data_by_name(self): # Config is only allowed to write into the "augment" entry. # other top-level entries are handled by lab7.conf. augment = self.config.setdefault("augment", {}) if self.ident in augment and augment[self.ident] is not None: conf = augment[self.ident] conf["name"] = self.ident conf["uuid"] = self.ident return conf return {"name": self.ident, "uuid": self.ident} def _data_by_uuid(self): raise AssertionError("No UUIDs for config!") @staticmethod def _fetch_config(): return base.SESSION.get(Config.__url__).json()
[docs] @classmethod def all(cls, **kwargs): config = cls._fetch_config() ret = [] for x in config.setdefault("augment", {}): data = config["augment"][x] data["name"] = x data["uuid"] = x ret.append(Config(x, data)) return ret
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, config=None, overwrite=False, prompt=False, **kwargs): """ Create a new config object in ESP database using config file or other data. Args: config (str, dict, list): COnfig file or information to use in creating new object overwrite (bool): Whether or not to update a current entry in the ESP database. """ # Overrides BaseModel.create. if config is None: config = {} if isinstance(config, dict): config.update(kwargs) if not config: raise AssertionError( "Incorrect arguments specified to create()! Please see documentation for more information." ) # load config. Without aliases. data = load_config(config, {}) # manage single/multiple defs if not isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): data = [data] # traverse data and create/update created = [] for item in data: # Config doesn't have defaults. # break on no create or model-specific override if item is None: continue # load object (or phony object) for determining if it exists if "name" in item and item["name"] is not None:"Creating config: {}".format(item["name"])) config = Config(item["name"]) else:"Creating Config Objects") config = composite({"exists": lambda: False}) # object doesn't exist - create if not config.exists(): result ="/api/{}".format(cls.__api__), json=item) created.append(cls.parse_response(result.json(), overwrite=overwrite, prompt=prompt)) # object exists - update if specified elif config.exists() and overwrite:"Overwriting existing object {}".format(repr(config))) name, uuid = config._data.pop("name"), config._data.pop("uuid") config._data = composite(item) config._data["name"] = name config._data["uuid"] = uuid result = config.push() created.append(cls.parse_response(result, overwrite=overwrite, prompt=prompt)) # object exists - don't update elif config.exists():"Config {} already exists; will not overwrite.".format(repr(config))) cls.parse_response(, overwrite=overwrite, prompt=prompt) created.append(config) return created if len(created) > 1 else created[0]
[docs] def push(self, dry=False): data = self.json() name = data.pop("name") uuid = data.pop("uuid") # catch issue if the user has a config value of name or uuid within this config. if name != self.ident or uuid != self.ident: raise AssertionError( '"name" and "uuid" are reserved keywords for config! Expected' " `{}`; found: name=`{}`; uuid=`{}`".format(self.ident, name, uuid) ) self.config["augment"][self.ident] = data, json=self.config) data["name"] = name data["uuid"] = uuid return data
[docs] def drop(self, deep=True): if self.ident in self.config["augment"]: del self.config["augment"][self.ident], json=self.config)
def get(self, value, default=None): return, default) def __contains__(self, value): return value in def _export(self, deep, filter_empty, versioned=False): data = self.json() uuid = data.pop("uuid") if data["name"] != self.ident or uuid != self.ident: raise AssertionError( '"name" and "uuid" are reserved keywords for config! Expected' " `{}`; found: name=`{}`; uuid=`{}`".format(self.ident, name, uuid) ) return data
[docs]class Configuration(BaseModel): """ Object for interacting with database-backed instance configuration within ESP. This model allows developers to directly interact with the `/api/configuration` endpoint in ESP. Model to interact with ESP's DB-backed configuration system. A configuration consists of two top-level dictionaries: one for "public" configuration and one for "secret" configuration. Generally, this model masks the distinction and makes the subkeys of both available as top-level properties, but also supports direct access of the public and secret dictionaries. Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> from esp.models import Configuration >>> conf = Configuration('esp') # get the ESP system config. >>> conf.executor.num_workers 1 >>> conf = Configuration.create(name='CustomConfig', key1='value1', key2={'subkey1': 'value1.1', 'subkey2': 'value2.2'}) >>> conf.key2 {'subkey1': 'value2.1', 'subkey2': 'value2.2'} >>> conf.key2.subkey1 'value2.1' >>> conf.config {'key1': 'value2', 'key2': {'subkey1': 'value2.1', 'subkey2': 'value2.2'}} >>> conf.add_secret('secretkey', 'this value is secret') >>> conf.secrets {'secretkey': 'this value is secret'} >>> conf.push() >>> conf.refresh() >>> conf.secrets {'secretkey': 'XXXXXXX'} >>> conf.secretkey 'XXXXXXX' >>> conf.newkey = 'new value' >>> conf.config {'key1': 'value2', 'key2': {'subkey1': 'value2.1', 'subkey2': 'value2.2'}, 'newkey': 'new value'} >>> conf.add_secret('newkey', 'conflicting secret') >>> conf.newkey 'conflicting secret' >>> conf.config.newkey 'newkey' """ __api__ = "configuration" __extend_aliases__ = False __defaults__ = {} __pristine__ = ["config", "secrets", "schema", "locations"] def __setattr__(self, name, value): # completely override __setattr__ from super b/c we # need attributes to push into config or secrets... if name in self.__prime_attributes__ + ["config", "config_name", "desc", "name", "secrets", "uuid", "schema"]: self.__dict__[name] = value elif name in self.__class__.__dict__: if isinstance(self.__class__.__dict__[name], property): self.__class__.__dict__[name].fset(self, value) else: self.__dict__[name] = value elif name in ["config_name", "config_id"]:[name] = value elif"secrets") and name in["secrets"]:["secrets"][name] = value elif"schema") and name in["schema"]:["schema"][name] = value else:["config"][name] = value def __getattr__(self, name): if name in"secrets", {}): return["secrets"][name] elif name in"config", {}): return["config"][name] elif name in"schema", {}): return["schema"][name] return super(Configuration, self).__getattr__(name)
[docs] @classmethod def parse_import(cls, config, overwrite=False, allow_snapshot_uuid_remap=False): """ Create new Configuration in ESP database using config file or other data. Args: config (str, dict, list): Config file or information to use in creating new object. overwrite (bool): Whether or not to delete current entry in the ESP database. """ ret = {} config_name = config.pop("config_name", config.pop("name")) ret["config_name"] = config_name ret["name"] = config_name # Note: the backend introduced "partial" in 2.5. Previously, partial=True was the only behavior. # Now, the default is partial=False. # But many of our outstanding configurations are depending on the # older behavior, so in the _client_, we'll default to partial=True, then implementations # can start controlling the behavior explicitly. ret["partial"] = str(config.pop("partial", True)) ret["restart"] = str(config.pop("restart", False)) if "secrets" in config: ret["secrets"] = config.pop("secrets") if "schema" in config: ret["schema"] = config.pop("schema") if "config" in config: ret["config"] = config.pop("config") else: ret["config"] = config return ret
[docs] def add_secret(self, name, value): """ Add a "secret" configuration value. Args: name: The name value: The real value A secret configuration value is one where the public/REST API will return 'XXXXXX' for the value once the value has been pushed. """ if "secrets" not in["secrets"] = {}["secrets"][name] = value
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data): cname = data.get("config_name") return cls(ident=cname, data=data)
def _data_by_name(self): # Config is only allowed to write into the "augment" entry. # other top-level entries are handled by lab7.conf. try: data = base.SESSION.get("/api/configuration/{}".format(self.ident)).json() except AssertionError: return {} data["config_name"] = self.ident data["uuid"] = self.ident data["name"] = self.ident return data def _data_by_uuid(self): raise AssertionError("No UUIDs for config!") def _data_by_fixed_id(self): return self._data_by_name()
[docs] @classmethod def all(cls, **kwargs): """ Fetch all active configurations. Args: **kwargs: Returns: """ results = base.SESSION.get("/api/configuration").json()["results"] # for now, do NOT load `esp` into the results from `all` since it is special/reserved # and doing so menas the test infrastructure tries to delete the esp configuration, which is # no bueno. return [cls.from_data(x) for x in results if x["config_name"] != "esp"]
@classmethod def _create_model(cls, item, overwrite, prompt=False): config_name = item.pop("name", item.pop("config_name", None)) if not config_name: raise ValueError("All configurations need a name! (missing name config: {})".format(item)) # configuration does not return the created configuration JSON. Instead, it returns # of successes and failures # for server processes restarts if you requested a restart. We will not support that for the time being (but # maybe in 2.4), so we can throw away the return result since a successful POST -> the configuration was created."/api/{}/create/{}".format(cls.__api__, config_name), json=item) item["uuid"] = config_name item["name"] = config_name item["config_name"] = config_name return cls.from_data(item) @classmethod def _overwrite_model(cls, obj, item, overwrite, prompt=False, allow_snapshot_uuid_remap=False): config_name = item.pop("config_name") data = { "config": raw(item.get("config", {})), } secrets = item.get("secrets") if secrets is not None: data["secrets"] = raw(secrets) schema = item.get("schema") if schema is not None: data["schema"] = raw(schema) data["partial"] = item.pop("partial", "True") data["restart"] = item.pop("restart", "False")"/api/{}/{}".format(cls.__api__, config_name), json=data) data["config_name"] = config_name return cls.parse_response(data, overwrite=overwrite, prompt=prompt)
[docs] def push(self, dry=False, restart=False): """ Update the remote configuration with local modifications. Args: dry: If dry is true, returns the JSON structure that would be pushed without pushing. Returns: The data that was or would be pushed. """ config_name = self.ident data = { "config": raw("config", {})), } secrets ="secrets") if secrets is not None: data["secrets"] = raw(secrets) schema ="schema") if schema is not None: data["schema"] = raw(schema) if restart: data["restart"] = "true" if dry: return data"/api/{}/{}".format(self.__api__, self.ident), json=data) return data
[docs] def get(self, name, default=None): """ Gets a single value from configuration, supplying a default if the key doesn't exist. Args: name: Name of the value to retrieve. default: Default to use if the configuration key doesn't exist in the configuration object. Returns: The configured value, falling back to teh povided default if necessary """ return getattr(self, name, default)
def __contains__(self, value): return hasattr(self, value) def _export(self, deep, filter_empty, versioned=False): data = self.json() config = data.pop("config", {}) secrets = data.pop("secrets", {}) schema = data.pop("schema", {}) config_name = data.pop("config_name") config["secrets"] = secrets config["schema"] = schema config["name"] = config_name return config def _export_hub(self, deep): return self._export(deep, False) @classmethod def parse_import_hub(cls, data): return cls.parse_import(data)
class Sequence(BaseModel): """ Object for interacting with Sequences from the ESP database. See the `Usage <./usage.html>`_ and `Examples <./examples.html>`_ pages of the documentation for more context and comprehensive examples of how to create and use this type of objects. Configuration: Create Sequence: .. code-block:: yaml Sequencer2: sequences: current_value: 1 format: MySequencer{sample_number:06} name: Sequencer2 sequence: sequencer_for_db2 type: item Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> from esp.models import Sequences >>> sequence = Sequences('My Sequence') >>>, sequence.format ('My Sequence', 'MySequencer{sample_number:06}') Arguments: ident (str): Sequence or Format Name for object. """ __api__ = "sequences" __api_cls__ = "Sequences" __droppable__ = False __droppable__ = False __exportable__ = ["current_value", "id_sequences"] @classmethod def parse_import(cls, config, overwrite=False, allow_snapshot_uuid_remap=False): """ Create new object in ESP database using config file or other data. Args: config (str, dict, list): Config file or information to use in creating new object. overwrite (bool): Whether or not to delete current entry in the ESP database. """ for id_sequence in config["id_sequences"]: config["format"] = id_sequence.pop("format") config["display_name"] = id_sequence.pop("name") config["type"] = id_sequence.pop("type") return {"sequences": [config]} @classmethod def from_data(cls, data): sname = data.get("created")[0]["name"] return cls(ident=sname, data=data) def _data_by_name(self): try: data = base.SESSION.get("/api/sequences/{}".format(self.ident)).json() except AssertionError: return {} data["uuid"] = self.ident data["name"] = self.ident return data def _data_by_uuid(self): raise AssertionError("No UUIDs for config!") def _data_by_fixed_id(self): return self._data_by_name() def exists(self): try: return is not None except AttributeError: return False def __getattr__(self, name): return["sequences"][name] def get(self, name, default=None): """ Gets a single value from sequence, supplying a default if the key doesn't exist. Args: name: Name of the value to retrieve. default: Default to use if the sequence key doesn't exist in the Sequence object. Returns: The configured value, falling back to the provided default if necessary """ return getattr(self, name, default) def __contains__(self, value): return hasattr(self, value) @classmethod def all(cls, **kwargs): result = base.SESSION.get("/api/sequences") return [cls(ident=k, data={k: v}) for k, v in result.json()["sequences"].items()] def _export(self, deep, filter_empty, versioned=False): data = self.json() return data @classmethod def create(cls, config=None, overwrite=False, prompt=False, object_names=None, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( "Sequence objects are currently read-only. To add new sequences, modify the appropriate Configuration." )